About Us

Why staunch Investment?

We has had only eight presidents in its long history. Father and son Manville Doyle and Frank Doyle co–founded the Bank in 1890. Frank Doyle served as President until 1948. Our third and fourth presidents, Charles Reinking and Andrew Shepard presided over a time of expansion and banking innovation. In 1986, C. William Reinking became Our fifth president, and J. Barrie Graham became our sixth president in 2003. In 2008, Bill Schrader became our seventh president and gained the title of CEO in 2010. In 2014, Gary Hartwick became our eighth president and CEO. Since its founding in 1959, the staunch Investment Art Collection has become the most established corporate collections in the world. Our mission is to connect clients, colleagues, and communities through art and the conversations it can start.

Our Talent, Supporting Our Communities

A talent-driven company is by definition a diverse and inclusive one. Though we aim to do better still, we’re proud of the workplace we’ve created.

Business Principles

Certain principles are fundamental to our success and each of these principles is how we will become the best and most respected bank in the world.

Corporate Governance

We are proud of our long tradition of integrity, honesty and respect. Because that goes a long way in insuring trust and accountability today and into the future.

Our Business

staunch Investment is the name of the holding company and the firm serves its customers and clients under its Chase and JPMorgan brands.


In a fast-moving and increasingly complex global economy, our success depends on how faithfully we adhere to our core principles: delivering exceptional client service; acting with integrity and responsibility; and supporting the growth of our clients.